App Shield - Mobile App Protection


Protect Your Apps from Cyber Threats

Verimatrix’s App Shield is a cutting-edge solution to safeguard mobile applications from evolving cyber threats. With robust security features and advanced encryption, your apps are shielded from vulnerabilities, ensuring the safety and privacy of your users’ data.



billion apps

make up the fastest growing threat surface


of apps & devices

remain unprotected and vulnerable to attack.



was lost by organizations to cybercrime in 2022.

App Security

Elevate app security with Verimatrix’s comprehensive solutions. Employing advanced encryption and real-time threat monitoring, Verimatrix safeguards mobile apps, ensuring user data remains confidential and protected from evolving cyber threats.

Seamless Integration

Achieve seamless integration of Verimatrix’s App Shield into your existing mobile app ecosystem. The user-friendly integration process ensures minimal disruption while enhancing app security and maintaining operational continuity.

Data Protection

Ensure robust data protection and compliance with Verimatrix’s App Shield. These cutting-edge security measures go beyond encryption, safeguarding user data, and helping businesses navigate complex data privacy regulations confidently.

Threat Detection

Stay one step ahead of cyber threats with Verimatrix’s App Shield. The real-time threat detection and response capabilities provided by Verimatrix are at the forefront of technology, offering continuous protection for apps and preserving users’ trust in a digital world filled with risks.

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